We exist for the purpose of glorifying God. We publish with the goal of offering wholesome, Biblical insight on society, education, and business

Goodstrong Words was founded in 2021 with the intention of sharing some of my writings about the Bible. At 16, I was on fire for the Lord didn’t know much about giving insight without being pushy or disrespectful — the blog stayed strong for a while but after two years it was clear I needed to take a break.

In the past three years I have seen how much just a short amount of time can change. Jesus has not left my side for one moment, he has been teaching me and sanctifying through every trial and mistake and for that I am thankful.

After taking a break for a year, I can finally say with confidence that this is a platform for His glory alone. It seems bare now but in the next few months I intend to share my story and add some thoughts on society’s trends that I would have loved to know as a younger girl! I and my featured authors can’t wait to share what we have learned.

Goodstrong Words is a publication primarily for young women, inspired by my childhood favorite character Jo March from Little Women (the book version before the movies made her a radical feminist). Whether a review for a coffee shop I’ve visited with Mom, a trend check, or one of the many lessons uncovered from God’s word, I hope each publication is both an encouragement and inspiration to love God and others recklessly with a sacrificial faith.

-Ally K. | G.W. Founder